Gap fillers are essential components for airframe construction, ensuring tight tolerances between mating parts. Attewell are experts in the manufacture of these low-cost, high specification parts, having been in the industry for over 75 years. Our extensive range of state-of-the-art equipment means that we are able to work with a wide variety of materials to ensure that the end product fulfils your precise requirements.
Plastic gap fillers
Plastic has a number of distinct properties that may mean it is the most appropriate material to use for your gap fillers. Lighter weight than metals, it also has excellent thermal and electrical insulation properties that can be highly relevant depending on the environment in which it is to be used. Plastic is also resistant to humidity.
Composite gap fillers
Composite gap fillers can be manufactured to provide additional qualities, for example enhance resistance to UV. Like plastic, it can provide thermal and electrical insulation, and it is resistant to humidity. It is more expensive than plastic due to increased material production costs, but depending on the environment in which it is to be used, it can offer the best solution for your production needs.
Nylon gap fillers
Nylon gap fillers offer an excellent combination of strength, durability and abrasion resistance. They can be usefully deployed where these material characteristics are called for.
Rubber gap fillers
Rubber gap fillers have the additional advantage of being able to absorb shock, vibration and noise should this be a requirement. In addition, they have good tolerance for low temperatures, they have high tensile strength, are resistant to tearing and to abrasion. Rubber gap fillers are not the optimal solution however for high-temperature environments or in situations where rigidity is essential. They are also less resistant to UV and ozone than other material options.
The team at Attewell
As with all high-specification components, both the design and the material used are essential for quality, efficiency and safety. Our team of highly experienced engineers are available to be consulted throughout the production process and are well-able to advise you on the best material to select for your specific airframe needs.